This year Jesse wanted to cook a duck for Christmas Eve dinner, so that is what we did. We had duck, twice baked potatoes, rolls, broccoli and cheese, and sparkling cider. We then went over to some friends house and did dessert. Here is Anya sporting her new Christmas jammies, which I had to wash in the middle of the night after she threw up all over me and my bed!!! She hasn't been feeling well lately, so I was just holding her in my bed and the next thing I knew, we were changing bedding and clothing. I guess that is better than the night before when we had to have three baths and two bed changes during the night. Hopefully she will start feeling better!
I laughed when I saw the comment about Jesse wanting to cook a duck for Christmas. I remember when we cooked a duck for Thanksgiving in Russia. Good Times- be sure to ask Jesse about how he threw the food out the window.
Also ask him about how much he ate that day....
If he needs a reminder, I have pictures. look gorgeous Em!!
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