Friday, November 19, 2010

The Boy Turns 1!!!!!!

I honestly can not believe Hugh is ONE!!! This year really has flown by. He has the sweetest personality ever! He loves to tease his sister. He will steal her toys and run as fast as he can laughing as she chases him screaming! He likes his dad....A LOT! This is quite a change from his big sister, who did not like anyone except her mom. I have completely loved almost every second of this little guy's existence. He has been the best baby ever. I often say I wish I could freeze him. Everything about him makes me smile! He has a laugh that is so contagious, and I will honestly be so sad the day he grows out of it. He LOVES to eat dirt. Every chance he gets, he shoves handfuls and handfuls of dirt into his mouth. Today is your day, so eat all the dirt you can, buddy. Happy Birthday, Huey Boy!!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Fun!!!

What have we been up to lately? Well, not much. Jess has been teaching school and has found a new hunting. He also decided a few weeks ago that because of his new found hobby he needed a 4-wheeler. So, when our neighbors were selling one for a decent price, he jumped all over that. We have had fun taking the kids out on it. They love it. Miss Anya has kept herself busy by checking her chickens. She got her first egg on Tuesday. She was pretty excited and was happy to eat it on Wednesday morning. She got two new chickens this week and she named them Golly and Ble-Ble. That's what you get when you let a 2 year old name her animals. I have two Halloween costumes for her to pick this year: a witch and Snow White. However, she has now informed me that she does not want either of them. She wants to be a cow. I took the kids to a carnival at the school tonight. She finally gave in and wore the Snow White one. So, we will see if I really need to make a cow or not. Hugh, however, loved his Spider. He looks so cute just wandering around aimlessly. He is growing up way too fast. He now walks everywhere and is into everything. He is a little tease and likes to get Anya. He also loves to eat dirt...not just a little dirt, mind you, HANDFUL AND HANDFULS. He is so fast, too. As soon as he gets to the dirt, he literally just starts shoveling it in before you can get him. He is so full of personality. I absolutely adore this boy!!!

Spider Hugh!!!
Snow White!!!
Getting her face painted!!!
The Hunted!!!
The new toy!!!
Checking for eggs....
......found one!!!!
The first egg!!!
Eating Ord's egg for breakfast!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The time has come!!!

I have decided that it is time to make this cute little blog of mine private. Please leave your email address and I will add you to my list. Also, please note if I know you I will add you. I don't care if it is friends, family, or just acquaintances. I know I read some peoples blog and they go private and I am hesitant to leave my name because I don't know if they want me reading it. I really just want to get rid of the scary potential threats not the people whom I associate with. Even if you know me through a friend I am not scared to add you, so just leave your name and you are on. Unless, I have absolutely no clue who you are of course! Don't be shy. I will give you 2 weeks! Thanks, Emily

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Crazy Happenings!!!

Does this boy look sick to you? Yeah, I didn’t think so! But, let me assure you, we are all wrong. At 3:00 a.m. on Thursday, Hugh woke up and was pretty croupy. I asked Jess to give him a blessing because he was struggling quite a bit to breathe. I then took him in the bathroom and steamed him. He finally fell asleep a few hours later, but when he woke up the next morning he was even worse. I panicked and called Jesse at work because he was really bad. I called Julia, who then called an EMT friend of ours to come and read his oxygen levels. She got here, and then the principal and bishop showed up. She checked him and he was reading 77 when he should be at 100. She then dispatched an ambulance. So, yes, we had the principal, bishop, the only two local cops, and four EMTs at our house; which, might I add, was a complete disaster!!!! They showed up and said I could have him transported to either Montpelier, ID, or Kemmerer. I really wanted to go to Evanston because that is where his doctor is. They said they would only transport to either Montpelier or Kemmerer. I didn't really feel like he needed to be transported because his O2 levels kept going up. I was bawling and Jesse finally just asked them if they thought we could take him to Evanston ourselves. They said we could and just told us to watch him really closely. So, we did. We got there, and his doctor was immediately concerned. She said his throat was almost completely closed off. Keep in mind, all throughout, this little boy is smiling and as happy as can be. She gave him an emergency shot and breathing treatment to open his airway and sent us to the hospital. We got there, and his oxygen levels were back in the 90s. We hung out the rest of the day with a happy baby, just wanting to get into everything. I asked for a high chair and they looked at me like I was crazy. They said no one has ever asked for that because, usually, babies can't even sit up to eat when they are sick like he was. I had to ask to take off his oxygen meter because he was just so wild and wanted to move that it was seriously just getting in the way. His levels were way high, so they said it was fine. He was really excited after that and just kept crawling away and smiling. Anyway, his doctor came in and said she was going to release us at about 7:00 p.m. because he was doing so well. She said his RSV tests came back negative...and then he coughed. So, she decided, because of his cough, she wanted to keep him overnight just in case. She then went to check his chest x-rays. After checking, she came in and said, "Actually, he needs to stay because he has Bi-Lateral PNEUMONIA!" WHAT?!!! All of the nurses and doctors were shocked. Other than his wheezing, he was in great spirits. So, we stayed the night, and around 11:00 a.m. the next morning, she released him. He has a bunch of medicine, and I have to give him breathing treatments every 4 hours; but, other than that, he literally has not skipped a beat. He has been as happy as ever and busy, busy, busy! I am glad he is such a good baby. It has made this so much easier. He is doing great, and for that, I am grateful. On a lighter note, Anya started Preschool. Four other moms and I are taking turns each week. She has it on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I taught the first day. After all the kids left, Anya grabbed her “pack-pack” and said, “Mom, I am ready to go to preschool.” I felt so bad. I told her we just had it at our house. She was so sad and just kept saying “I want to go to preschool.” After about a half an hour cry session, she calmed down. Today was our neighbor's turn. So, I guess it was Anya’s first day of preschool. She was so excited. I can’t believe how fast they grow up!!! As for everything else, not much is going on around here.

Anya’s First Day of Preschool
Huey and his breathing treatment
Just a cute picture

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Unforgettable Las Vegas Trip!!!

M&M World

Excaliber Arcade
Beck and Hugh
Dad, Mom, and Carter at the Excaliber Show
Princess Huey
Henley and Grandma
The knight at the Excaliber
Rub-A-Dub-Dub Five Kids in a Tub
Anya building her elephant
Huey just saying Hi
Jilly and Anya

Anne and Hugh
Carter and Jess
Grandma and Hugh
Swimming Family Photo
Dad and Em
Em and Hugh
Girls at the Bounce House
Em and Jilly at the Trampoline Place
Em and Jess taking a rest
Bellagio Fountains
Bellagio Gardens
Em and the flower frog
Flower Ladybug
Jess and the rose snail
Jess and Em at the gardens
Chocolate Fountain
Em's triple chocolate cheesecake
My mom and dad arranged a Loren and Shelly Huntsman Family Reunion in Las Vegas. They had to use a week of their timeshare and this was the place they picked. I was so excited to go because I had never been to Vegas before. The drive down went very smoothly. However, that was the only thing that went smoothly, I think. My family had went down the day before. We were supposed to meet them at the Excaliber for dinner. Well, we got there a bit eariler than we were expecting and my family was nowhere in sight. Apparently, they had been waiting in line at the shark exhibit for about 45 minutes two blocks away. I finally got a hold of my mom and she said to just hang out for an hour or so until they were done. That is when it hit me. I never knew this, but I HATE crowds!!! I think that might be an understatment. From that time on, I was completely overwhelmed. We decided to take the kids to M&M world while we waited. We could see it from where we were, so we decided to not take the stroller. Big mistake! Just because it looks close does not really mean that it is. We made it through the crowds, and by the time we got there, both kids were dying of thirst and were so restless. We look around for a few minutes, trying not to touch all the people swarming everywhere. Anya, however, did enjoy herself. Because she is obsessive like her dad, she had to touch every single colored tube of the M&M's. By the time we got back to meet my family, I was almost in tears. I felt like this the entire trip. I don't know what I was expecting Vegas to be, but this was not it. We ate dinner at the Excaliber and watched their dinner show. It was fun and I think everyone enjoyed it, especially my dad who kept standing up and cheering. He was really getting into it. May I suggest, if you are considering seeing the show, it is great and worth your money, but probably not the best thing for little kids. They really have no room to move around, causing you to be juggling the whole show. That night after we got back to the condo, Hugh was not acting like his happy little self. He was up fussing all night. We went to church the next morning with a mission companion of Jesse's. When we got home, Hugh just got more fussy. He kept pulling at his ear, so I figured he had an ear infection. Luckily, I was able to contact our doctor who just called in a perscription for him. We went to Walgreens to get it, who then sent us to another Walgreens, who then took about an hour to fill the perscription. All the while, Hugh is screaming in the car with Jesse who is getting quite upset with the silly pharmacy. Needless to say, we finally got the medicine and literally within minutes our little Hugh was back to his happy self. By this time, I was exhausted and just ready for bed. The next morning, things had settled down a bit and I thought I needed to make the best of this because we had four more days there. My brother Jason wanted to jump off the Stratosphere, so we went to watch. Well, just when things were seeming to be better, and I was calming down, we got into a little fender bender in the parking garage. This made my anxiety go through the roof! This time, I really did cry. I just wanted to go back to the condo. We watched Jay jump and headed straight there. I know I could and should have just put on a happy face and went on with my day, but I really didn't feel like it. The next day was better. We took the kids to Circus Circus to ride the rides. Thank goodness for Aunt Jilly. She took Anya on all the rides with her and was a great helper. That night, we just hung out at the condo and went swimming. On Wednesday, we took the kids to a Bounce House. We got there and they told us that they were closing for a party, so the kids only got to play for about 20 minutes. Later that afternoon, I wanted to go to a trampoline place. Not what I was expecting, but we still had fun. My mom, Anne, and my grandma had bought tickets to the Lion King. My Grandma's back went out right before the show, so she couldn't go. I was going to take her ticket and go but then I got back in my grumpy mood and started arguing with everyone and was a total brat and made my brother, dad, and my mom all mad at me. I then started pouting and didn't go to the show. I know. I am totally lame!!! However, I did cheer up and make the best of my night. I went on a little date with Jess. Just me and Jess. No kids. We went and watched the Bellagio fountains and looked at the Bellagio Gardens. Way cool! I loved it. To top it off, we found a cheesecake place inside (my favorite). That's how you cheer a girl up with a nice date and cheesecake! The next morning we packed up and headed home. I have never been so glad to be home! I am sorry I was such a grump the whole trip. I did have fun and I am grateful my parents provide opportunities for our family to be together. I also have never missed my little community of 500 as much as I did that week!!! As for Vegas, I will never return!!!