Thursday, October 2, 2008

She Walks?!!!

Yes, you read it right! Our barely-eight-month-old is walking! Up until today, she had only been taking a few steps here and there. (And, though Grandma Willie considers that to be enough to qualify her as a walker and continues to assert that she started walking at seven months, we were still waiting for her first "real walk." And, I think this is it.) I started babysitting a boy in our ward. As you can see, he is about double the size of Anya in weight and stands at least a head taller. However, that didn't stop Anya from walking circles around him...literally! She really enjoyed banging on his head and shoving it to the ground. Luckily, he's one tough boy and actually seemed to like it. He can't crawl, so he just has to sit there and take it. I think he was her inspiration, though. She would walk across the room just to beat him on the head. Since he left, she has just continued walking around the house. She's walked across the living room about three times, and here she is walking down the hall. She has a ways to go yet, but I think she's on to a pretty good start!


allison said...

Holy Schnikeys Emily! You have a genius for a daughter! That's awesome! She is so tiny, it seems so unreal to see her itsy bity little body walking down the hall! You should bring her to the shower for sure and show her off:)

Michelle said...

Wow that's nuts! Didn't David walk early? And I thought Kobe walked early at 10 months!

McKenna's page said...

She's so cute, I think that is when I started walking but I didn't realize how young that really is.

Leacayoungart said...

So cute. You have a smart little girl.

Holly said...

YEAH, Anya! She is so little.. Can't believe she is walking! Now all the fun begins of chasing her around!!

jed-laura said...


My 1st didn't walk until 12 months, and our second is NOWHERE near walking at 6 months. She's not really into moving at all.

What a cute little girl! Seriously.

Josh and Alayna said...

Wow that is awesome. Good little girl. That is hilarious that she can take the boy you babysit, way to go! Your bows are soo cute. We love the ones you gave us thanks!