Monday, October 13, 2008


I was tagged by Mckenna forever ago and now by Holly with the same tag, so here it goes. Oh, and I forgot about Stef's tag so I will put it at the bottom.

1st Tag
The rules are:to list 5-6 quirks.
Quirk #1- I have to have my blog post up for at least two days before I can put up another one. Otherwise, someone might miss my newest news. I also hate when people have a million post on one page, so it's not just like I can add to my page. However, as of late, I have been a little better about this, but have limited myself to only showing two post at one time. Hence, the reason I have postponed Mckenna's tag for so long. Sorry!

Qurik #2-If I buy a children's book and it has a list of series on the back I won't buy it unless they have all of the books listed to purchase as well.

Qurik #3-I vacuum my living room at least once a day, but a lot of times twice. I hate when I can see things on my rug, and Anya put everything in her mouth so I have to keep the floor tidy.

Qurik #4- I hate, hate, hate, losing things, to the point it makes me stressed if I do. I am anal until I find what I have lost. I just bought Anya some new little bows, and for the life of me I can not find the purple one. It is driving me crazy! She hadn't even worn it yet!

Qurik #5- If I know someone is coming to my house I always light candles or spray perfum because I am paranoid my house may smell funny. So, if you show up unannounced, just know that I will be secretly stressing, because I am wondering if you think my house smells funny!

Qurik #6 - I can not go to bed if I haven't check my blog, email, and face book. I have become addicted!

Quirk #7- I always have Jesse edit my blog post because I make mistake when writing. So, if you ever notice that the post you saw yesterday is the same today with a few changes, it's because my editor came home and helped me out! Thanks Jess!

So, there you go my friends, just a little list of my many, many quirks! Sorry, I added and extra one, hope you don't mind!

Now 2nd Tag:
List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.

Joys: Jesse, Anya, and being outside!!!

Fears: Being alone for long periods of time, that when Anya sleeps longer than normal something is very wrong, that I will lose my wedding ring!!!

Obsessions/Collections: Bow making, I collect spoons, and vacuuming!!! Oh, and always putting three !!! at the end of every sentence!!!

Random facts: I love the snow, I hate getting out of bed in the morning, and when I grow up I want to open a Pre-School!!!

There you have it!!!


Josh and Alayna said...

Good job, updated on all the tags. It does seem like the season of tags. If I am ever in Cokeville and want to stop by I will make sure I notify you first.

allison said...

i totally agree with you on the whole smelling thing when it comes to my house. Especially because we have apparently had mold growing underneath our walls. Yummy.

Holly said...

I remember vaccuuming a ton when Brixton was younger because he put everything in his mouth too!
How did the caramel apple crisp turn out?!