Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Fantasy Super Bowl 2009!!!
I just wanted to inform everyone that Coach Willie has done it!!! He has made it to the Super Bowl! That's right, you heard me, his team the Afro-Chickens are going straight to the top! It has been a tough season with some ups and downs all along the way. But, with the endless support from his biggest fans he is geared up and ready to go. We could not be more proud of the best coach in the Fantasy League 2009! Also, I wanted to let you all know that we will be having a Super Bowl party next sunday and everyone is invited to attend! Go Afro's!!!! Good luck, Coach Willie!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Our Latest Pictures!!!
Hugh's biggest fan-Anya
First time at church! 

Uncle Carter


Grandpa Huntsman

Anya & Grandma Huntsman
Here are just some of our latest pictures of our favorite little guy, "Huey" (as Anya calls him). This boy is the most easy-going babe I have ever seen!!! I can't get enough of him! Consequently, my house may or may not be as clean as it should be. He will only stay this little for a second, right? That is my justification!!!
Uncle David (Hugh looks just like him)
Grandpa Huntsman
Anya & Grandma Huntsman
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Our Newest Addition!!!
Let's just say I had a very quick, easy labor and delivery! I was started at about 9:00, and Hugh was born at 12:22. My Dr. was at lunch and walked in just in time for me to push for about 2 minutes, and our little Hugh was born. He is in perfect health and is the most calm, quiet baby. He has a full head of black hair and is a little thumb-sucker! YEAH!!! Anya didn't get to come into the room at the hospital, so we had to hold him up to the window. I am not sure she really knew what was going on or who this baby was that everyone was making such a fuss about. My mom took Anya home for a few days while I went back to my house to catch some sleep. We were nervous about how she would react to come home and have someone new living there. When she got home, we were all surprised at how she reacted. She loves her baby, Hugh! She always asks to hold "it" and will sit for about half an hour before she is "done" with him. We are so grateful to have this new addition to our family!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hubert (Hugh) Paul Willie
Born: Novemeber 19, 2009 @ 12:22 pm
6 lbs. 4 oz. 18 3/4 inches long
To be continued.....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween Fun!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Snow-Miss & Hee-Haw Farms!!!
Last week we got just enough snow to build a "Snow-Miss." I was so excited! I bundled Anya up to go bulid her first snowman. Let's just say, I was way more into it than her! She apparently takes after her Grandma Huntsman and does not like the cold. She would rather look out the window and say, "Hi, Snow-Miss, Hi." As you can see, she has found a new place to play...under the sink in my make-up. She calls it "tickle." Why? Because it tickles when you put it on. We went down to Provo this weekend to spend some time with the family. We went to "Hee-Haw Farms" with Matt and Stef. It was so much fun! They had a petting zoo which Anya absoultely hated!!!! She pretended she liked the animals and talked to them in this high voice and said, "Hi, pigs." But, as soon as she got near them, she started to scream. She liked the hay-ride and would not sit down, but insisted on standing and trying to hold her balance. The swings were her favorite, and every time she would spin by us, she was just giggling. Then, we each picked our own pumpkins from the patch to take home and carve (something I have always wanted to do and never have until now). We finished it off by going through the corn maze. As you can see, by the end she was completely zonked. She wore herself right out! After the farm we went out to eat with Uncle Jay. Sunday morning we got up and drove to Logan for Beck's blessing. It was fun weekend and we are glad we got to see everyone!
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