Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cute Pictures

So, Anya is starting to show her little personality. Many people say that she is a very serious baby. I beg to differ. She just has to get warmed up. All you have to do is talk in a high voice, sing, or whistle to her and she smiles and talks right back. She loves to play in here bouncy chair (especially her one at Grandma Huntsmans with all the colorful lights on it.) The past few days, she fas been trying to find her thumb. Every once in a while she finds it, but for the most part she just gets frustrated that she can't. She is always in such a good mood right after she wakes up. That definitely comes from her father. She is almost 3 months now, and we love watching her grow and learn new things every day!


allison said...

She looks like a completely different baby every time I see her, she changes so much! She looks like such a joy to have in your family!

Kim said...

She is getting so big! I can't believe how much she has changed! I'm glad to hear that everything is going better for you and your family!

Matt Willie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Willie said...

Sorry about that. I just deleted my own post because I messed up.

Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I don't understand how Jesse and now Anya can be so happy right after they get out of bed in the morning. That never happens to me--unless I just signed up for netflix the night before.

How do you do it Jesse? What's your secret?

whitney.evan said...

hey emily! your baby is so adorable!! looks like you are having fun! i have a blog too
i guess we can stay updated through each others blogs now! :)

The Shields Family said...

Hey Em! It's Chelsea! Your little girl is so cute! Just letting you know I have a blog now.... its Hope all is well.